当前讯息:PYP英语辩论 | 在唇枪舌战间迸发思维之光

2023-05-04 08:57:32 来源:国际教育网

“自由辩论是我们探寻真相的重要途径。”这是著名作家富兰克林.松嫩贝克在书本《灵魂食物:改变思维 改变人生》当中的名言。

而本周五,CBIS PYP六年级的同学们为了探寻超学科主题”共享地球“中动物实验的真相,自发地组织了一场充满思维碰撞的英语辩论。


Free debate is an important way for us to explore the truth", said the famous author Franklin Sonnenbeck in his book "Soul Food: Changing Thinking and Changing Life".

This Friday, to explore the truth of animal tests in the interdisciplinary theme "Sharing the Planet", our G6 students spontaneously organized an English debate that was full of thought collisions.

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The resolution for this debate is "should humans use animals for product experiments", which is originated from a regular English vocabulary-sentence class where children questioned the definition of "animal experiments" in the textbook and actively requested a class debate.

In the preparation phase for the debate, children independently chose their stance and used the research skills in Approaches to Learning (ATLs) to examine and collect data, and form their own arguments and evidences after data analysis. At the same time, they also used social media, such as WeChat groups, to share information and transmit "secret intelligence", which fully reflects their social skills as modern learners. At the same time, children"s thinking was fully developed in the process of "problem presumption" since they need to use their thinking skills to anticipate the other party"s questions and respond with relevant evidences.

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On the day of the debate, the children"s desire for expression surged. They all utilized their special talents. The speakers who excel in speeches confidently articulated their own stance, arguments, and evidences during making of constructive speech. The critical thinkers, the second and third debaters turned their questions and arguments into thinking ammunition and shields, showcasing their light of thinking to the judges and audience through several rounds of free debates. The listeners and summarizers, the fourth debaters overlooked the overall situation, summarized the arguments and evidences of their teammates and opponents in a concise manner, and forcefully reiterated their own positions, drawing a successful conclusion to the debate.

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After the debate, Mr. Jimmy, the sixth grade English teacher, exclaimed that he was also a learner. From the children, he learned the importance of critical thinking skills to learners and got closer to the truth as the debate went on.

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撰稿翻译 |陈骏

摄影编辑 | 刘楚渊

审核 | 李晓丽

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