PYPX2023工作坊 | 师生共成长-头条

2023-05-04 09:04:56 来源:国际教育网



PYPX Learning Achievement Exhibition provides students with the opportunity to showcase the various qualities described in the International Diploma Learner Development Goals developed throughout the entire primary school project learning process, to understand their strengths and weaknesses, link individuals, communities, the world"s problems and challenges, at the same time lay the foundation for the learning achievement exhibition.

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Each student will choose what he or she is interested in to explore, and will be assigned at least one mentor. The mentor"s interests and strengths will match the content selected by the student. Teachers and students will maximize their strengths and constantly discover what they love or concern the most under the PYP framework.

In order to help students better carry out PYPX, this week we conducted a self-awareness workshop for students and a workshop for PYPX mentors.

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On April 25th, we invited Ms. Zuo Peng, a professional career planning mentor, to guide children"s self-awareness through a series of activities such as "logging in to the interest island". Through interviews with other staff members such as principals, teachers, propagandists on campus, and interviews with family members on weekends, children were supported with self-awareness to gain a comprehensive and profound understanding of themselves, with the guidance of family, friends and professional planners, they could further plan for the future.

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Children learnt about the common characteristics, personality traits, and typical professions represented by logging in six islands which are "practical, research, artistic, social, management, and conventional" . After that, each student chose his or her dream career, pondered and explored the qualities, personalities, and skills required to pursue that profession. During the heated discussion, the students shared their viewpoints and supplemented each other. Finally, through group discussions, the students found that regardless of profession, they need to possess six qualities: practice, research, art, socializing, management, and convention. Linking these to the ATL they’ve learned in PYP, they achieved a more comprehensive understanding of the significance of ATL learning.

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Through this workshop, students have deepened their self-awareness, gained a deeper understanding of career planning and personal interests, we believe that through the learning of this self-awareness workshop, students will have more inspiration and support for their exploration direction in the future.

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To better support G6 students develop PYPX, a workshop on PYPX was conducted by CBIS teachers. The workshop focused on three topics: What is PYPX, The Role of a Mentor and Why Become a Mentor. According to teacher"s interests, each selected one topic to discuss, share and inquire.

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IB一直所强调的“Student Agency”不仅体现在老师对学生的教学上,也体现在老师与老师的各种培训会议上。国际部的会议少有某个老师的大段发言,更多的是大家就某个教学议题共同讨论,发表意见以及补充观点,极大地调动着每个老师的积极性。让他们在每次培训中不仅能挖掘到自己深层次的理解,也能聆听到来自各方的声音,从而形成自己对某个内容的更深刻、更全面的认识。

IB emphasis on Student Agency is not only reflected in teacher-to-student teaching, but also in teacher-to-teacher training. The training of the International Department rarely has a long speech by one teacher, but more based on teachers sharing and learning, which greatly mobilizes the enthusiasm of every teacher. In each training, they can not only dig into their own deep understanding, but also listen to the voices from different parts, so as to form deeper and more comprehensive understanding of a certain content.

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During the workshop, every teacher expressed themselves actively in groups, studied IB document carefully to expand their understanding of PYPX, so as to better assist the 6 graders to complete the PYPX.

By holding workshops for both students and mentors, we have gained a deeper understanding of PYPX. We believe that with the efforts of mentors and students, this PYPX will be a rewarding journey which means a lot for everyone!

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撰稿 | 陈永梅 叶蕙蕙 程美茵

翻译 | 叶蕙蕙 林燕凯

校对 | 陈袁袁

摄影编辑 | 贾先涛 刘楚渊

审核 | 李晓丽

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