MIS Golf | 少年挥杆绿荫显身手 追梦路上展英姿

2023-03-27 10:11:33 来源:教育联播网

Spring breeze blows willow making waves; everything is coming back to life and IS full of vigour. On March 22ND the Year 4-6 students came to Palm Springs International Golf Academy for an event that involved elegance, green space, and friendship.

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Stand, swing, twist, hit... Under the guidance of Senior Coaches, one after another the children demonstrated a beautiful and young swing action in the green sporting field and the white golf ball was drawn in a beautiful arc.

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The gentlemanly and elegant sport’s experience lets the students feel the sportsmanship of hard work, self-discipline, and respect in golf. Perhaps, a love of golf in their hearts has also unconsciously planted a seed.

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In MIS, the concept of "whole-person education" has been integrated into the school-running gene and is implemented into all aspects of teaching and learning. In the field of featured sports, the school offers featured courses such as golf and rugby and has established a joint academy with Palm Springs International Golf Academy. This includes golf as a compulsory physical education course; enabling students to have the opportunity to enjoy first-class teaching support at the Juniors level.

"MIS Golf Scholarship" is now open for sign up, please contact us.











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