We prepare our studentsto be
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CAIE采用百分比的方式计算,学生的成绩将最终分为A*、A、B、C等等级。据目前英国各大高校发布的相关入学标准,学生的成绩只需处于A*A*A - ABB中间即可进行申请。
* 部分英国Top10大学A-Level分数要求:
AAA - ABB,理科专业规定较高
学科中文名 | 学科英文名 |
基础数学 | Mathematics |
进阶数学 | Further Mathematics |
化学 | Chemistry |
物理学 | Physics |
经济学 | Economics |
汉语 | Chinese |
艺术设计 | Art & Design |
音乐 | Music |
心理学 | Psychology |
AP课程是美国和加拿大等国开设的高级先修课程,由美国大学理事会(College Board)赞助和授权的高中先修性大学课程,也可用于申请世界范围内的多所名校。综合来说,AP课程更适合一些具备优秀学习能力的学生,不但可以在申请的时候作为学术能力证明,还可以在大学进行学分换算,降低教育成本,实现跳级选课,缩短大学教育时间。
* 部分世界知名大学AP分数要求:
美国Top 50大学
学科中文名 | 学科英文名 |
微积分AB/BC | Calculus AB/BC |
统计学 | Statistics |
化学 | Chemistry |
物理学 | Physics |
微观经济学 | Micro Economics |
宏观经济学 | Macro Economics |
心理学 | Psychology |
中国语言及文化 | Chinese Language and Culture |
平面工作室艺术设计 | Art and Design |
音乐理论 | Music Theory |
HKDSE课程(香港中学文凭),每年由香港考试及评核局主办的公开考试,也是目前唯一可以用中文答题的国际考试。HKDSE考试的成绩其实拥有着极高的含金量,不仅仅可以用于香港本土各大高校的申请(在《2023QS世界大学排名》中香港共有5所大学跻身Top 100),还可以申请海外(包含英国、美国、加拿大、澳洲、法国、德国、新加坡、日本等国家在内)超过400所的国外高校,因此该考试又被称为“黄金高考”。
* 英国G5大学HKDSE分数要求:
学科中文名 | 学科英文名 |
数学(主修) | Mathematics (Core) |
中国语文(主修) | Chinese Language (Core) |
英语(主修) | English Language (Core) |
通识教育(主修) | Citizenship and Social Development (Core) |
化学 | Chemistry |
物理学 | Physics |
经济学 | Economics |
艺术设计 | Art and Design |
音乐 | Music |
承袭全球IB混校排名前10的顶尖院校阿丁莱学院(Ardingly College)的教育基因,中山阿丁莱一直通过具有前瞻性和高学术成就的幼儿园到高中一贯制全人教育模式,为2-18岁的学生提供面向未来的个性化教育,以及最适合其未来发展的多元升学通路。
作为一所已被国际文凭组织正式批准的IB PYP候选学校,中山市阿丁莱幼儿园糅合中西方教育精髓,以IB PYP为课程设计的核心框架,通过融合六大核心元素为幼儿提供探究式的超学科学习。
Primary, Middle School
High School
As a 15-year private international school with the DNA of a world-renowned school, Ardingly College Zhongshan provides students with the best education in the Bay Area through a holistic education that blends the best of East and West. In addition to gaining unique and solid academic skills in the early years of their studies, students will also be able to excel in their further academic careers both in China and overseas through the school"s multi-track pathway at high school.
With the completion of the Academic Test for the Junior High School Students and entry into high school, Ardingly College Zhongshan will provide children with multiple pathways that includes Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, the International Curriculum and Artistic Studies, while our students will be able to make their own choices in relation to their studies, interests and future target universities. With the help of the school"s top academic team and university guidance, students will be able to gain access to 985 and 211 universities in China, or apply for the world-renowned universities.
In this article, we will focus on our unique International High School, where you can find out more information about the A-Level and AP, as well as the HKDSE, which has recently become a popular pathway in China.
Why Choose
Known as one of the top three international curriculums in the world, A-Level(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) is the university entrance exam for UK students. In general, students take the Cambridge International Examinations (CAIE) through 2 years of study (Years 11 and 12), which leads to applications to top local institutions, including G5 universities in the UK, or to qualifications for entry to higher education institutions in the world, such as the USA, Canada and Australia.
For Chinese students, the A-Levels not only provide a "global competence", but the overall framework of the programme is also more exam-oriented, making it ideal for students who have a high level of ability in a single subject, or a strong test-taking ability. With over 70 subjects (including arts, business, economics, languages, mathematics, science, computing, law, media, music, etc.), students only need to take three or four main subjects and pass the corresponding exams to obtain the corresponding diploma.
About Examinations
A-Level students take two tests over two years, with an additional make-up test in the first year, which provides an additional opportunity for students who are nervous or who do not perform well.
About Results
A-Level students take two tests over two years, with an additional make-up test in the first year, which provides an additional opportunity for students who are nervous or who do not perform well.
* A-Level score requirements for some of the top 10 universities in UK:
University of Bath
A-Levels in the AAA - ABB range are required, with higher requirements for science subjects and lower requirements for language subjects.
The University of Edinburgh
A-levels are set between A*AA - ABB, with higher requirements in Mathematics, Law and Regulation.
Durham University
A-levels are required to be between A*AA and AAB.
Optional Subjects
With such an outstanding international curriculum, school has also chosen to make it a key gateway for children to the world. From G11-G12 onwards, the school will offer children a number of high quality A-Level courses that they can choose on their own.
Chinese Name | English Name |
基础数学 | Mathematics |
进阶数学 | Further Mathematics |
化学 | Chemistry |
物理学 | Physics |
经济学 | Economics |
汉语 | Chinese |
艺术设计 | Art & Design |
音乐 | Music |
心理学 | Psychology |
Why choose AP?
AP courses are Advanced Placement courses offered in countries such as the United States and Canada, and are sponsored and authorised by the College Board as high school prerequisite college courses that can also be used to apply to a number of prestigious universities around the world. Overall, AP courses are more suitable for students with excellent academic ability, not only as proof of academic ability when applying, but also for credit conversion in college, reducing the cost of education, enabling grade skipping and shortening the time spent on college education.
Although AP courses are generally more difficult, they are actually advantageous for Chinese students who generally excel in mathematics. For example, AP Calculus is not only the most prestigious course among all AP subjects and can focus on receiving favourable treatment from universities, but more importantly, AP Calculus also covers many university science majors, including physics, chemistry and economics, which all involve calculus knowledge to some extent. As a result, students are able to take AP Calculus while relieving some of the academic pressure of university.
About Examinations
AP courses have one exam per year and each exam will be divided into two parts: the first part will be multiple-choice and the second part will be a free-response paper. The content of each exam will vary depending on the subject and students can choose the exams according to their needs.
About Results
AP exams are scored using a 5-point system, with candidates receiving different scores depending on their ability, and a score of three or more can be redeemed for credit at university.
* AP score requirements for some famous universities:
Top 50 Universities in the US
2-3 AP scores of 4 and above required
The University of Hong Kong
Requires 3 AP scores of 4 and above with specified subject requirements for AP courses
National University of Singapore
3 AP scores of 4 or above are required.
TheUniversity of Melbourne
Popular majors require a minimum of 3 AP scores of 3 and above.
The University of Sydney
Popular majors require a minimum of 3 AP scores of 5 or 4 AP scores of 4.
Optional Subjects
Like many international schools in China and International Classes in public schools, we also offers a wide range of AP classes and specialist teachers for high school children. With options in Art, English, History and Social Sciences, Maths and Computer Science, Natural Sciences, World Languages and Literature, and the Topstone Diploma Programme, children will excel in their college applications and university studies.
Chinese Name | English Name |
微积分AB/BC | Calculus AB/BC |
统计学 | Statistics |
化学 | Chemistry |
物理学 | Physics |
微观经济学 | Micro Economics |
宏观经济学 | Macro Economics |
心理学 | Psychology |
中国语言及文化 | Chinese Language and Culture |
平面工作室艺术设计 | Art and Design |
音乐理论 | Music Theory |
Why Choose
The HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education) is an annual public examination administered by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) and is currently the only international examination that can be answered in Chinese. It is also known as the "golden entrance exam" as it can be applied to over 400 overseas universities (including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Singapore, Japan and other countries).
The most significant advantage of the HKDSE programme over the Chinese College Entrance Examination is that it is less competitive. In addition to a high degree of overlap with the mainland syllabus, the course is easy to articulate and avoids the increasing pressure of "internal papers" in China.
About Examinations
The HKDSE programme has four main subjects (three of which are chosen from the Chinese, English, Mathematics and Citizenship and Social Development) and a number of electives. Students are allowed to answer all exams in Chinese except for the English papers, and the exams are scheduled in a more spread out manner, giving students plenty of time to prepare. The examinations are also based on the assessment of students" overall ability, rather than subject knowledge as the only criterion, and students can obtain a more objective examination mark.
About Results
The HKDSE course system is more user-friendly exam results are graded using a level-referenced grading system: there are five levels of DSE [Levels 1-5], with Level 5 being the highest level, and the best performance of those awarded Level 5 will receive a [5**], followed by a [5*] for better performance, and [No Assessment] for performance below Level 1. The results can also be retained for one year, and those subjects that are not successful can be taken again the following year. (The following are the requirements for G5 schools in the UK in terms of HKDSE scores)
* HKDSE score requirements for UK"s G5 universities:
University of Cambridge
36 points in 7 arts subjects, 37 points in 7 science subjects (total 49)
University of Oxford
555 to 5*5*5 in three elective subjects or compulsory Mathematics
University College London
31 to 36 points in 7 subjects (49 overall)
Imperial College London
Three elective subjects or compulsory maths 555 to 5*5*5
The London School of Economics and Political Science
7 subjects from 29 to 33 points (49 overall)
Optional Subjects
The HKDSE programme is a new pathway for students to study in Hong Kong, which has been evaluated by a number of educational authorities, and offers them the opportunity to study at top universities such as Cambridge, Oxford and Yale. The school expects to open the following HKDSE programmes:
Chinese Name | English Name |
数学(主修) | Mathematics (Core) |
中国语文(主修) | Chinese Language (Core) |
英语(主修) | English Language (Core) |
通识教育(主修) | Citizenship and Social Development (Core) |
化学 | Chemistry |
物理学 | Physics |
经济学 | Economics |
艺术设计 | Art and Design |
音乐 | Music |
A 15-Year Through School
Offering Multiple Pathways
In keeping with the educational DNA of Ardingly College, UK, one of the world"s top 10 IB co-edu schools, Ardingly College Zhongshan has been providing students aged 2-18 with a future-oriented, personalised education and a diverse pathway to the best possible future through a forward-thinking and academically successful whole-person education model from kindergarten to high school.
As an IB PYP candidate school officially approved by the International Baccalaureate Organization, Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten) combinesthe essence of Chinese and Western pedagogies. The aim of the IB PYP is to provide students with an inquiry-based transdisciplinary framework incorporating 6 Units of Inquiry.
Primary, Middle School
School rooted in the National Core Curriculum, a student-centered, inquiry-based and project-based bilingual integration model that tracks and supports each child"s learning in depth.
International High School
With a team of experienced tutors and academic resources, we offer a wide range of courses for students to study in China, including Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, international programmes and the arts pathway. The experienced team will make a personalised goal for each student based on their characteristics and family needs, to help them gain the strength to enter a 985 or 211 university in China, or to receive an offer from the overseas university.
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