
2023-04-27 10:08:35 来源:国际教育网

In line with the IB philosophy, which encourages students worldwide to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners, the 2022 Chinese National Curriculum Standards place students at the center of their educational development. Students will become active learners and co-creators of knowledge through collaboration with their teachers in order to reach an understanding of what students" interests are for their education. giving students a stronger sense of belonging to a learning community, self-efficacy, and ownership.

The annual IB China Education Forum was successfully held at Beijing"s private Huijia school from April 15 to 16. "Collaboration, Integration, and Innovation" is the forum"s theme. accelerating the new path of contemporary curriculum development. Marchanej, an English Teacher as well as PYPCA, of our school and teacher Luo Cheng participated in the session of the sub-forum as a member unit of IBCISA (Chong Wa International Baccalaureate School Association) and discussed the topic "Co-constructing an innovative curriculum, through students and teacher collaboration”.

4月15—16日,一年一度的IB中国教育论坛在北京市私立汇佳学校圆满举办。本次论坛以“汇聚·融合·创新——助力现代课程发展新征程”为主题,中黄外国语实验学校作为IBCISA(中华国际文凭学校协会)会员单位,我校的Marchanej和罗成老师在分论坛环节进行了题为Co- constructing an innovative curriculum through teacher and student collaboration《师生协作,共建新课程》的分享。


Marchanej and Luo Cheng (Barry) discussed the value of teacher-student collaboration as well as the methods and strategies for creating a culture of comprehensive assessment in the classroom. Establishing success standards, co- creating learning objectives with students, co- constructing learning plans with them, and fostering students" independent learning through evaluation. Students" trans-disciplinary skills can be strengthened as well as their character through the use of comprehensive evaluation. Through engaging teaching scenarios and hands-on learning, the two educators explained how to encourage student collaboration and create a new curriculum.






The difficulties and coping mechanisms that may be encountered when teachers and students work together to develop the curriculum were also discussed in this lecture by Marchanej and Barry from the Zhongshan Wampoa International Education (ZWIE)Group. These difficulties included the requirement for greater community awareness and cultural diversity. Teachers and international education experts present at the event praised and appreciated theteacherscontributions to this forum.


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