3.14!今天是完美的PI日!| PI DAY

2023-03-15 09:58:36 来源:教育快报网

(swipe left for English)




▶ 绿地上那棵树和那7棵树的木头体积是多少?那么学校草地上可以种植多少棵树?

▶ 如何用绳子和木钉钉出一个完全规则的多边形?边数为3、4、5、6等的多边形的周长/直径比是多少?随着边数的增加,这个比例趋于多少?

▶ 距离某点6米的点的集合是什么形状?距离A点2倍于B点的点集或点位是什么?如果我们扩展到三维空间,你会得到什么样的轨迹?


Today is March the 14th and therefore PI Day(3.14 to 2 decimal places)and so a perfect day for working on PI related maths problems.Prep 6 did exactly this out on the school field with half of the maths team.

The problems included:

▶ What"s the volume of wood in that tree and those 7 trees and how much wood could be grown on the school field?

▶ How can you peg out a perfectly regular polygon using strring and pegs and what is the Perimeter/Diameter ratio of such polygons of 3,4,5,6,etc sides and what does this tend to as the number of sides goes up?

▶ What shape does the set of points 6m from a point make?What is the set of points or locus of points which are two times as far from point A as point B?What loci do you get if we extend to 3 dimensions?

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