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圣诞节快乐 |MERRY CHRISTMASBCIS 教职工祝您和您的家人节日快乐!
在 BCIS,学生们于 2022 年 12 月 16 日星期五举行了一场节日音乐会,展示了他们的歌曲和舞蹈。
老师们会在各自的班级举行一个Secret Santa的活动。这是一个匿名互赠礼物的小游戏,所有参与学生都需要准备一份礼物,也都会收到一份礼物。彼此交换礼物的同时,也增进了友情。
03Winter Concert圣诞音乐会,是孩子们每年最期待的活动了,各个班级的孩子们表演着准备好的歌曲,与朋友和老师们一起欢笑地提前庆祝即将到来的假期。
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圣诞节快乐 |MERRY CHRISTMASOnbehalfoftheBCISFaculty,IwishyouandyourfamilyaHappyHolidayseason.
01DecorationsAllteachers and students havemade theChristmas decorations for the campus together.Eachstar,Christmastree, andsnowflakewas made by them, carrying their lovefor BCIS.MERRY CHRISTMAS02SecretSantaEvery Christmas in BCIS, each class will hold a Secret Santa event. This is a small game of giving gifts to each other anonymously. All participantsexchangethegiftsto celebratethefestivaltogether.03Winter ConcertThe Christmas concert is the most anticipated event for children every year.All classes performedsongs and laughedwith friends and teachers to celebrate the upcoming holidayin advance.Due to the epidemic, the studentsof the middle school cannot come to the schoolto perform. I hope thatnext concert can make up for this little regret.AtBCIS,wewillcontinuetoprovidestudentswithopportunitiestocelebratespecialeventsduringtheyear.IwanttothankthestudentsandteacherswhohaveworkedhardtobringtheHolidaySeasontolife.Best wishes and Happy Holidays!< Slideright in Chinese >
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